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How to Get BBQ Sauce Out of Clothes

how to remove bbq sauce stains

An American summer wouldn’t be complete without barbecues, or barbecue sauce! This condiment turns a good BBQ into a great one. But because BBQ is more often than not supposed to be finger food, it can easily stain. If BBQ sauce ends up on your clothes, don’t worry! Learn how to get BBQ sauce stains out of clothes with Persil® laundry detergent. 

How to remove barbecue sauce stains from clothes

  1. Scrape off any excess BBQ sauce using a spoon or the dull side of a knife.
  2. Flush water through the back of the stain using  cool water. Because of the -starch based nature of the stain, make sure to choose a powerful stain-fighting detergent with enzymes.
  3. Rub some Persil® liquid laundry detergent into the stain from both sides. Let it sit for about 10 minutes, giving the enzymes enough time to work their magic and lift the stain.
  4. Rinse out the detergent.
  5. Launder as usual, following the care instructions on the label of the garment.
  6. Check the stain once the wash cycle is finished. If the stain is still there, repeat the pre-treatment process and launder the garment again. Though it might be tempting, don’t throw the garment in the dryer just yet if the stain persists, otherwise it might set permanently, making it nearly impossible to remove BBQ sauce stains.
  7. For extra-stubborn barbecue stains, you might need to give the garment a good soak in a solution with Persil® detergent for about 30 minutes or so before throwing it into the washing machine again.
  8. Once the stain has gone, feel free to dry the garment as usual.

Choosing the right detergent

BBQ sauce is both tomato-based and starch -based, meaning you’ll need to reach for a powerful liquid laundry detergent with stain-fighting enzymes to get the job done. Get Persil® Advanced Clean Oxi+Odor Power to do the heavy lifting for you.

How to get BBQ sauce out of delicate fabrics

When you’ve been at a rather upscale BBQ, and BBQ sauce got onto your delicate shirt in spite of you wearing a bib, you might feel like getting out the stain is a lost cause. However, with a bit of patience, it can still be possible to remove BBQ sauce stains.

You’ll have to do a spot check on an inconspicuous part of the garment first to check for both colorfastness and to make sure the material can stand up to the detergent. Scrape off any excess BBQ sauce and flush the stain out using cold water. Rub in a bit of liquid detergent, and let the garment soak in a solution for 15 to 30 minutes. Then wash according to care instructions. Because delicates often need to be washed by hand, you may need to repeat the pre-treatment and washing process. Garments that are dry clean only should be taken to the cleaners’ as soon as possible. Point out the BBQ sauce stain so the professionals know how to best treat it. 

How to Get Other Sauces Out of Clothes

Ketchup Stains

The popular partner of burgers, fries, and hot dogs can often send a few undesirable drips your way. When your attire catches the worst of ketchup, trust Persil® to help save you from the stain. Rinse in cold water. Try to treat the stain as soon as possible. Apply Persil® liquid detergent and rub in. Let sit for 5 minutes, then wash with a dose of Persil® detergent in warm water.

Wing Sauce Stains

When you’re craving wings, don’t be afraid to chow down. They’ll “hit the spot” and we’ll hit the stains. Rinse in warm water. Apply Persil® Liquid detergent directly to the stain and allow to sit for 5 minutes. Then, launder with the warmest water recommended on the garment label.

Mustard Stains

Mustard-covered hot dogs at the ballpark are an American staple. Unfortunately, one bad play can send that mustard dripping down your shirt. Persil® can help you strike out those unwanted mustard stains. Treat the garment as soon as possible. Rinse the stain with cool water. Pretreat stain with Persil® liquid laundry detergent. Launder using Persil® detergent or, for those heavy stains, explore our in-depth guide on how to get mustard out of clothes.

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